Project R.I.D.E.’s Hard-Working Equines
We would not be able to accomplish the magic without them: our team of experienced, gentle equines who make our program so special. Carefully screened and trained, these are amazing animals who understand the nature of our work and love to help our extra-special students.
Want to see them up close? Come for a visit! Our barn is always open to visitors during operating hours, but please call to make an appointment.
Want to help take care of them? Fill out a Project RIDE Volunteer Application and grab a manure pick! If you are interested in grooming, training, or other hands-on work with horses, you must be 14 or older and have completed our orientation and our Leader training. Please see our Outreach Coordinator for training and scheduling.
Horses Needed!
We are always looking for mature and gentle horses, ponies and mules to consider for use in our program. Please contact us if you have a suitable equine to free lease-loan to us on a revolving six-month contract. Please note that we do not generally accept outright donations of horses. Depending on our current herd and our program needs, we may be able to accept your horse. Please download our Potential Horse Application, print and complete it and return it to us by mail at 8840 Southside Ave. Elk Grove 95624, email, fax (916) 686-0500 or in person at our riding arena during business hours.

Meet The Herd

29 Year Old Arabian Gelding
The hair on his face grows funny in the winter making the kids claim him to be a “Unicorn.” He has a lot of personaility packed into a little body.

23 Year Old Paint Gelding
Very talkative boy who is slow but solid. This ranch horse has been there done that.

21 Year Old Paint Gelding
Gentle giant who is always alert and ready for hugs. He has one blue eye and one brown eye and is very handsome.

Glory is a recent addition to our herd. She is a Tennessee Walker and has quickly become our resident princess. She is very pretty and likes all treats but especially likes baby carrots.

24 Year Old Norwegian Fjord Mare
Loves to put her mouth on anything and everything! The Princess of our herd. She may be sassy but she is sweet. She loves getting her pampered days filled with baths and haircuts.

Titan is a newer addition to our horse family and is rapidly looking like everyone's favorite. He is a Standard Bred horse and in his previous career was a harness racer.

Moonpie is a new addition to the herd and is part Gypsy Vanner and part Quarter Horse. She participated in gymkhanas and enjoys going on trail rides. She is always happy to see her human friends come down the aisle to visit her.

30 Year Old Quarter Horse Gelding
Enjoys the company of people rather than other horses. He’s an in your pocket “dog” love bug kinda horse with an old soul.

Coming Soon
Bio Coming Soon