Volunteer for Our Horseback Riding Instruction Programs


Volunteers assist directly in the horseback riding program, run our administrative and financial affairs on our Board of Directors, run our fundraiser events, work on facility maintenance, take care of our horses and more.

If you’d like to volunteer in program you must attend our Volunteer Orientation and Training Session, held monthly. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Please sign up to attend orientation by phone at (916) 685-7433 or email [email protected].

Volunteer Schedule

A woman and two children riding on the back of a horse.
Two women standing next to each other holding a certificate.

Volunteer Positions

Discover what you can do to support our special program in a manner that also suits your time, your talents, and your treasure.

Volunteer Application

2025 Volunteer Orientation Dates:
All orientations are at 4:00 pm unless otherwise stated:

January 6th

February 7th

February 10th

March 3rd

April 7th

May 5th

June 2nd

July 7th

August 4th

(Dates are subject to change, so please call the office at (916) 685-7433 to register for an orientation)

Orientation & Training

Volunteers are needed daily to walk beside the students while they ride and to lead the horses throughout the lessons. No experience needed. All you need to start is a completed application, to attend an orientation, and the willingness to help others. Call and sign up today.

Program Volunteering: Ages 14+

Daily volunteers are needed to walk beside the horse while students are mounted and to take take care of and control the horses throughout the lessons. All you need is a completed application, a schedule, and a little training to get started. Call (916) 685-7433 to sign up for our next training.

The three crucial positions that make this program run:

Leader (controls the horse safely through the lesson)

Sidewalker (walks alongside while the students ride)

Ride Captain (oversees all the details surrounding lessons – tack, horses, volunteers, and stable chores, and assists our riding instructors)

Training is required. Please call to register for training.

You could also be:

Receptionist: help us welcome visitors and volunteers to our facility and keep track of volunteer hours

Stable Assistant: make sure our hardworking horses and staff have a safe, healthy, clean, and comfortable home in which to work. Note: this is a suitable job for adults with disabilities and their job coaches

Ranch Feeder: Assist our caretakers at our ranch in Herald with caring for our herd of horses and other friendly animals

Fundraiser: help us develop and maintain friends in our community who support us financially

Ambassador: sit at a table at community events and tell other people who want a rewarding volunteer opportunity or are interested in riding about our program

Be a Board Member: guide and raise funds for R.I.D.E.’s future!

Stable Chores

Volunteers wishing to assist with stable chores are not required to attend orientation, but are invited to attend the first portion of our volunteer orientation, which covers program information and a facility tour.

This is an appropriate position for adults with disabilities or those 14 and older who simply enjoy cleaning tasks.

Stable chores volunteers are not scheduled in the same way as lesson volunteers. Shifts can begin as early as 7:30 am or go as late as 8:00 pm. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator to inquire if any stable chores positions are currently available.


Horse Experience

Q: Must I have horse experience to be a volunteer?

A: Absolutely not! Most positions require no horse experience at all. You can even assist us if you are afraid of these gentle giants and want to help our program without having any exposure to horses at all.

Q: I have lots of horse experience and want to be directly involved with the horses. How can I help?

A: Please consider becoming one of our Leaders! The Leader is in charge of the horse throughout the riding lesson, including grooming, tacking, and leading the horse through our obstacle courses and on our trail. All Leaders must go through Sidewalker and Leader training and be willing to assist in either role, as needed. Please tell our Volunteer Coordinator that you are interested in that position.

Times to Volunteer

Q: Is there a minimum time commitment? What times are available for me to come volunteer?

A: We do ask volunteers to work with our Community Outreach team to create a regular schedule to which they can commit for one of our riding sessions – generally several months. The times available change throughout the year, so please download our most current schedule of lessons from our program volunteering page.

Service Groups

Q: I am part of a youth/school/faith-based service group. Can we be of assistance?

A: Absolutely! We have high school service clubs that serve food and set up and clean up at our fundraisers. We have groups who come for a one-time service project and those who come regularly. We welcome them all. Just contact us to find out how we can fit your group into our schedule.

Next Steps

Q: What is my next step to begin volunteering?

A: If you are 14 years or older and you are interested in assisting with our lessons or stable duties, attendance at the two-hour orientation and training session, held monthly, is required. If you are interested in office work or fundraisers, please contact us to find out how to get started. In either case, your next step is to contact our Community Outreach Manager by email or telephone at (916) 685-7433 to express your interest.

Welcome Service-Learning Students!

This page is designed for CSUS Service-Learning Volunteers in the Child Development, Nursing, and Recreation/Parks/Tourism Administration Departments.

Here is how the service-learning process works:

-Call us to Sign up for orientation at (916) 685-7433

-Complete volunteer application and tb clearance (if you will be volunteering during school hours)

-Attend orientation

-Sign up for the desired schedule

-Start volunteering

CSUS student, Joseph, models next to one of our rider’s Potato Head Snowman they created to look like him.

CSUS Student Projects

Wondering what types of projects are successful at Project RIDE? Check out some of our favorites.

"A Day in the Life of Gwen"

A man standing next to a blue barrel.